〜 NYから被災地の子供たちへ 〜
NYママの会 (NYで子育てをする日本人のためのグループ http://nymoms.exblog.jp/)では、「私たちにもできることから始めたい」という思いから、セイント・マークス教会の協力を得て、ファンド・レイジングを実施することにしました。同じ子育て中の私たちにとって、被災地の親や子供達の置かれている状況は、本当に心が痛む限りであり、今回の収益金は、震災により親や家族を失った子供達を支援するあしなが育英会(http://www.ashinaga.org/) に100%寄付されます。
場所:St Marks Church in-The-Boweryの中庭(雨天の際は4月17日午後1時から4時)
参加申し込み方法:NYママの会宛(NYmamama@hotmail.com )に、メールを送信してください。その際、1)代表者氏名、3)代表者の電話番号、2)具体的な参加内容(物品販売ならその品名、パフォーマンスならその内容など)を明記してください
NYママの会 代表:牧野佐絵(917-755-2774)、武田奈央、皆川久仁子、景山恭子
お問い合わせ:Email NYmamama@hotmail.com ウェブサイト http://nymoms.exblog.jp/
Let’s Work Together to Raise Money for Children Victimized by the Earthquake
More than 10,000 people are dead and more than 17,000 people are still missing following the Magnitude 9 earthquake and the resulting tsunami that hit the Tohoku area of Japan on March 11, 2011. The coastal towns and villages in particular experienced catastrophic damage from the tsunami. Currently, more than 260,000 people are still living in shelters. Those victims need immense and extended support to recover from this calamity.
With support from St. Marks Church in-the-Bowery, NY Japanese Moms (http://nymoms.exblog.jp/ ) is organizing a charity fund raising event to aid the victims of the earthquake and tsunami, particularly children. As mothers, it is heartbreaking to know the difficulties children and parents are now facing in the affected areas. 100% of the funds raised will be donated to Ashinaga, a non-profit organization that assists children who lost their parent(s) and families. (http://www.ashinaga.org/e/
index.php) We call upon you to help us make successful this important event. You may join us as individuals or groups and we welcome those who can help out full time or part time. Let’s work together to bring smiles back to the faces of children in Japan!
There are a few ways you can contribute to the event:
Charity Sale: You may use your imagination for what kind of items to sell. For example, Japanese Washi Greeting Cards, kids jewelry and hair accessories, small items made with Kimono fabric, stationery, key chains, kids clothes and more! Please let us know what you are selling and approximately how many items you plan to bring.
Performances: You and your kids may perform music, calligraphy, flower arrangement, etc. You may also teach kids how to do Origami, Kirie or other crafts.
Call for donations: You may join us to raise funds and awareness from passers by. Bring your own message boards and help us distribute flyers to encourage New Yorkers to support the victims of this catastrophe.
Just show up: even if you cannot contribute your time as a fund raiser, come to the event to show support!
Please note there is no fee to join the event. We ask that any money you help raise through your efforts be donated to our cause. Unfortunately, we cannot subsidize any materials you may need to participate and the cost of any such materials should be considered as part of your donation.
Date: April 10th (Sunday) 1pm to 4pm --- Rain date: April 17th (Sunday) 1pm to 4pm
Place: St. Marks Church in-the-Bowery 131 E. 10th St. NY, NY 10003(2nd Ave. & 10th Street)
RSVP: Email us to NYmamama@hotmail.com by April 5 (Wed). Please make sure you include: Your name, phone number, number of people involved, how you would like to help and description of items you are selling or any performance you will make.
We fully appreciate your support and are looking forward to working together on this important cause!
Best Regards,
NY Japanese Moms; Sae Makino-Siller, Nao Takeda, Kuniko Minakawa and Kyoko Kageyama
Contact: email to NYmamama@hotmail.com or visit http://nymoms.exblog.jp/